One Step Ahead

Why We Are The Best

Pure Law Solicitors operate We are the leading prison law firm for Recall, Parole, Adjudications, Early release on Home Detention Curfew and Re-Categorisation. We have a highly experience team of Prison Lawyers with in excess of 30 year experience in this specialist field. Contact our office now to see how we can help you or a loved one.

On the 3 December 2012 IPP sentences or Sentences of imprisonment for the protection of the Public were abolished and all offences committed after that date could not be punished by the imposition of an IPP sentence. Regrettably the decision was not made retrospectively. During the time period between the creation of IPP sentences in 2005 and their demise in 2012 over 8,000 IPP sentences were imposed. At present in excess of 2500 prisoner in England and Wales are serving IPP sentences of which in excess of 90 percent are over tariff. At Pure Law Criminal Defence Solicitors those serving IPP sentences are treated as a priority. We invest a huge amount of time and resources into freeing our IPP clients from what many regard as unlawful sentences.

Pure Law Solicitors represent numerous IPP Prisoners in England and Wales and have a proven track record of freeing prisoner on parole and also those recalled whilst subject to IPP Sentences. We have over 30 year combined experience in dealing with both paper and Oral Hearings.

We understand the importance of using experts such as psychiatrists and psychologists where required and the positive impact that these can have on securing release especially when there has been a previously negative report uploaded to the detainees dossier. Over the last decade we have collated our own specialist panel of psychiatrists and psychologists who have a proven history of successfully giving evidence before parole board and understand the risk issues that need to be addressed in any defence expert report.
Life Licence Reviews
Those prisoners who were released from their IPP sentences found themselves on life licence. Section 31A of the Crime (sentences) Act 1997 allows the offender to apply for consideration to be given to terminating their licence 10 years after their initial release. It is a common misconception that the offender must have been offence free for 10 years following release, this is not correct. The offenders rights under s31A of the Crime (sentences) Act 1997 remains in place regardless of any further offending or recall.
The Parole board have been appointed as the governing body with the power to terminate an IPP licence.
A further risk report will be completed prior to an application to terminate being considered.

The Parole Board has a number of options when receiving an application to terminate IPP Licence. They Can
1 – terminate the offender’s licence
2 amend the offender’s licence
3 – refuse the application
If an application for termination is successful then a further application can be made 12 months after the date of refusal.



Client had been released from his Indeterminate sentence but was released. He had been recalled on a total of three separate occasions. Our Prison law Specialist have secured release on each and every occasion and are now in the process of applying for his life licence to be quashed. Despite the number of recalls we have managed to achieve release from closed conditions, avoiding the delay caused by a period in open conditions.


A significant amount of clients have gone ‘over tariff’ with their IPP sentences. This case is an example of how in instruction of a prison law specialist at an early stage can have a substantial positive impact upon a client’s case. Gemma Morgan was instructed to represent client pre tariff expiry. She was able to achieve the agreed release of client on his tariff expiry date, something remarkably unusual in prison law cases. Release in this case was authorised approximately 6 months in advance of tariff expiry – almost unheard of in IPP cases.

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