Licence Recall

One Step Ahead

Why We Are The Best

Pure Law Solicitors operate We are the leading prison law firm for Recall, Parole, Adjudications, Early release on Home Detention Curfew and Re-Categorisation. We have a highly experience team of Prison Lawyers with in excess of 30 year experience in this specialist field. Contact our office now to see how we can help you or a loved one.

Prisoners who have been released on licence are liable to recall if the national probation service believe that they have breached any of their licence conditions.
The experience of being recalled to prison is understandably extremely stressful for all clients, this is often further exacerbated if that person has not breached any of their licence conditions.

The national probation service receive guidance on the risk level of those on licence and can often miscalculate the risks that they pose to the public resulting in the unnecessary and potentially unlawful recall of those in custody.

Those who are recalled on licence are often not made aware of the reasons for any recall to custody. It is important that a specialist prison law solicitor is instructed as a matter of urgency.

We have invested in Common Video Platform Technology which enable us to obtain visits with clients faster than the majority of solicitors. Our Prison law department is also the largest in Wales and the West, this enables us start fighting for the release of recall prisoners faster than other firms with the aim of securing a quicker release for our clients.

If you have a friend, loved one or family member who has been recalled please contact us and we will arrange to see them as a matter of urgency.

We have more than 30 years combined experience in both paper reviews and oral hearings. We have extensive success in securing executive release, release after paper hearing and release after oral hearing. We will always seek to challenge a negative decision by way of an oral heaing.

We understand the importance of using experts such as psychiatrists and psychologists where required and the positive impact that these can have on securing release especially when there has been a previously negative report uploaded to the detainees dossier. Over the last decade we have collated our own specialist panel of psychiatrists and psychologists who have a proven history of successfully giving evidence before parole board and understand the risk issues that need to be addressed in any defence expert report.

Our specialist team of lawyers will always lodge written representations and liaise with the Offender Manger with a view to securing prompt re-release from custody.

Enhances Paper Hearings

The Covid 19 Pandemic has resulted in changes to the way in which recalls have been dealt with, there have been huge problems with Parole Board Panels being able to sit due to the social distancing guidance and this has caused a huge back log of cases. The head of our prison law department attended a virtual meeting with the chief executive of the parole board focusing on changes to the system that needed to be made due to the Covid 19 Pandemic and moving forward.
As a direct result of this meeting remote hearings are to continue for fixed term sentences and the hard stop deadlines are to continue. The retaining of these improved measures will only assist in ensuring that more oral hearings go ahead on time and will reduce the amount of hearings that are adjourned.

We have a proven history of successfully fighting licence recall cases, many of our clients have been released early with permission from the secretary of state representatives approval (executive release), released after papers hearings and Oral Hearings.

Case Study 1


The defendant has been recalled to custody due to breaching his licence conditions specifically failing to attend appointments with the national Probation Service as directed. It was alleged that he had missed two appointments and not provided an explanation. The national probation service had formed the view that his risk levels had escalated and he was no longer manageable in the community. We obtained a copy of his recall back immediately via the digital platform. We were able to attend a Common Video Platform appointment with our client and take instruction at an early stage, it was quickly apparent that he had not received the letters offering him the appointments. He had notified his offender Manager of a change in address, this had not been updated on the system and whist his Offender Manager was on leave and it quickly transpired that the Duty officer had issued recall proceedings. We spoke with his offender manager and they quickly authorises executive release, this was ratified by the secretary of state and our client was promptly released without the need for an oral or paper hearing.

Case Study 2


This second case study is an interesting case where we submitted on behalf of our client that he should not have been recalled to custody. The National Probation Service had outlined that the client had been recalled due to being intoxicated in a hostel therefore breaching his licence conditions. Upon investigation this could not have been further from the truth, client had in fact suffered a stroke and this was misinterpreted by others as intoxication. Release quickly achieved in difficult circumstances where client had been wrongly recalled.

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